Striving for 2019
With another year of creativity opening up before me, I'd love nothing more than to toil away in complete and utter isolation, heedless

Highs and Lows of 2018
December is a month of reflection for many authors. While I tend to mark my achievements by career milestones, there were other successes an

Reflections upon 2 Years of Blogging
When I originally started blogging, two years ago, I didn't think I'd last six months. But, having recently read back through my old

An Introvert's Learnings from Writers Conventions
Having just returned from Conflux 14, feeling completely reinvigorated about my writing, I share my learnings about writers conventions from

The Path to Story
Last year, I blogged about a story that was about to be published -- 'The Banksia Boys'. This month I detail the creative process be

Milestones in the Writer's Journey
The guilt of both not setting myself worthy goals and of not attaining them when I do was a canker to my creativity.
So, I needed another d

The Story Behind 'Old Man Red Gum'
With the publication of my story 'Old Man Red Gum' in Midnight Echo #12, I share the origins and inspirations behind it.

The Nature of Fear
Last month, I blogged about my fear of writing. This has prompted me to delve into the root of that fear, and find what kills my creativity.

Staying Afraid
Writing scares me. And not in a good, exhilarating way. The act of sitting at the keyboard or with pen in hand, on the brink of creating som

3 Must Read Books for Authors
Many authors have penned books on the craft of writing. Here are my 3 must-reads for aspiring authors, and the lessons I learned from them.